ARNIKON ENGINEERING LTD.; It collects various personal data through cookies on the website ‘’-‘’-‘’ and ‘’. This cookie policy has been prepared for the purpose of clarifying the processing of your personal data.
Cookies are cookies that are placed on visitors’ computers by the websites visited. According to their validity periods, there are two types of cookies: temporary cookies and non-persistent cookies. Temporary cookie; It is active while you are on the website and is deleted when you leave the website. Persistent cookies, on the other hand, are active as soon as you enter the site and are stored on your computer until they expire.
ARNIKON does not store confidential information of its users in the cookies it uses. Our site is not responsible for the privacy and cookie policies of other linked sites. The use of cookies is allowed by default with internet installation. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you can change your cookie usage preferences in your browser’s settings. Cookie management settings differ from browser to browser, and there is detailed information about cookies under the help menus of modern browsers. However, if you prevent the use of cookies, you may not be able to receive some information provided by ARNIKON over the internet or you may not see special offers.
As ARNIKON, we reserve the right to make changes in this cookie policy and to issue new terms.
In addition, you can find more information about how your personal data is processed and the policies we apply on our websites with the declarations in the KVKK and Related Documents section below. You can request information from the Personal Data Owner Application Form.